Spiritual Rose
2929 S. Harvard Ave.
Tulsa OK 74114
Tue - Sat 10am-6pm

Your Midtown metaphysical store. Please call to schedule an appointment for services.

Reiki Healing
Reiki is a Japanese energy healing discipline. Our Reiki healers are trained in the Holy Fire branch of the Usui school of Reiki; this branch features heavy Tibetan and Hawaiian influence.
Reiki sessions are fully-clothed, non-touch spiritual healing sessions. Please dress comfortably for your healing.
30 minutes $60
Learn more/book your appointment: 918-779-4131

Tarot Readings

Tarot is an excellent way of gaining a fresh perspective on your life, or on a specific situation. It can shed new light on your present and steps you need to be taking for your future.We also offer this over the phone.
15 minutes $30
30 minutes $60
Learn more/book your appointment:

Spiritual Counseling

Spiritual counselors help people along their path to spiritual growth. The objective can include finding a life purpose, overcoming obstacles, and putting pain and grief into perspective. The path doesn’t look the same for everyone, so it’s no surprise that there are spiritual counselors representing different concepts of spirituality, including Christianity and New Age belief systems. Like other counselors, spiritual counselors do a lot of listening. They may also employ other modalities. We are here to help guide you on your life path and find the right answers for you. We also offer this over the phone.
15 minutes $30
30 minutes $60
Learn more/book your appointment: 918-779-4131